Please see below further guidance if you are considering moving up divisions. The movement standard table in the previous page are movements performed for multiple reps you should be able to do as minimum work requirements as a guide for each division.
The below is a further guide for you, as an athlete, that if you can hit you should consider moving up divisions.
Should you move from Everyday to Intermediate?
Please see some weight and aerobic benchmarks to measure your ability and if you should move up to the Intermediate category. All numbers are in male / female format
If you can hit 4 of the below 6 strength / power metrics -
- 500m row (sub 1.45min / 2min)
- Your 3 rep max (3RM) deadlift (120kg / 75kg)
- Your 3 rep max (3RM) front squat (80kg / 55kg)
- 4 x 50/30kg sandbag / dball to shoulder reps
- Your 3 rep max push (3RM) press - (75kg / 40kg)
- 1 rep max barbell ground to over head (70kg / 45kg)
and, if you can hit 2 of the 3 below aerobic metrics
- 2km row time (sub 7.40min / 8.50min)
- 100 wall balls for time @ 9/6kg (sub 4.40min)
- 5km run (sub 22.30min / 26min)
You should be competing in the Intermediate category.
Should you move from Intermediate to Elite?
Please see some weight and aerobic benchmarks to measure your ability and if you should move up to the Elite category. All numbers are in male / female format
If you can hit 4 of the below 6 strength / power metrics -
- 500m row (sub 1.39min / 1.55min)
- 3RM Deadlift (170kg / 110kg)
- 3RM Front Squat (110kg / 75kg)
- 4 reps x 70/40kg sandbag / dball to shoulder reps
- 3RM Push Press - (80kg / 50kg)
- 1RM Ground to Over Head (100kg / 70kg) - we will not set these weights - this is you lifting as heavy as you can in a strength workout
and, if you can hit 2 of the 3 below aerobic metrics
- 2km row time (sub 7.10min / 8.10min)
- 100 wall balls for time @ 9/6kg (sub 4min)
- 5km run (sub 21min / 23.30min)
Optional – can perform toes to bar and minimum 1 rope climb are added bonuses.
You should be competing in the Elite category.
Any questions please email