28th - 30th Oct: We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a functional fitness arena across all 3 days of the 2021 Dubai Active Show at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

The Dubai Active Show is held at ZABEEL HALLS 1, 2, 3 and HALL 1 at DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE. There are thousands of car parks around the center, or taxi drop offs are also very easy. More info HERE.
The Active / Dubai Muscle Shows opening hours are 10am - 7pm each day, please do come early and stay late and enjoy all the show has to offer.
The Turf Games team alongside the Dubai Active Show have been working hard to ensure that we can help put on a great competition and give the opportunity to athletes, from all levels, the chance to compete over the weekend in a fun, professional environment.
We will be hosting two different styles of competitions across the weekend. Entry to either competition will also include entry to the Dubai Active Show allowing you, both before and after your event, to take in all that the show has to offer.
Please note, should the event not happen due to COVID, all entries will be refunded.
You are more than welcome to enter both competitions across the weekend. Read on below to find out more details about each event.
This event is open to EVERYONE and ANYONE to enter - no matter where you are based in the world - come along and have some fun with Turf Games at the Dubai Active Show.
11am - 5pm: On the first day of the show during the shows opening hours we will be hosting our new event concept - Turf Games ENGINE. This event will be testing your endurance or what we like to call - your ENGINE. This will be an individual event. Once entry goes live, you will need to book your place
We will have aged group winners across the weekend in both male and female.
- Adults up to 39 years old
- Masters 40+
ENGINE: An endurance workout which will take between 25 to 35 minutes to complete.
If you love cardio and ergs - this is for you. An example of how the workout will look is below (this may not be the exact workout that will be at the show)-
The cost for the ENGINE event will be $30USD*. Please note the ENGINE hours will be between 11am and 5pm.
*Entry to the Turf Games ENGINE will also include entry to the Dubai Active Show with your ticket price.
You've been putting in the hours on the gym floor - now it is time to add in TACTICS and TEAMWORK . The Turf Games Pairs COMBINE is a pairs competition where athletes will compete in 4 back to back workouts across a 'COMBINE', testing various aspects of their fitness in a fun, competition style format. Each pair will be on the TURF for 55 minutes with 4 x 10 minute workouts, with 5 minutes rest between each workout. For example, your start time is 2pm on Friday - workout 1 will be 2pm, workout 2 - 2.15pm, workout 3 - 2.30pm and workout 4 - 2.45pm. This format was trialled in the UK and was loved by all athletes who took part. We can't wait to bring it to Dubai.
Please note, athletes will not be required to compete both days - you only compete on the day you book and are only required for the duration of your 4 workouts (55 minutes). Athletes should arrive 30 minutes before there start time time to check in and warm up.
Once all teams have been competed over the two days - the winners will be crowned.
The 'COMBINE' will be a PAIRS competition, with 3 categories
- Male (M/M) - competing on Friday the 29th*
- Female (F/F) - competing on Friday the 29th*
- Mixed (1M/1F) - competing on Saturday the 30th*
* this will be dependant on number of teams in each category and may vary. You may compete in two categories - men's/mixed or women's/mixed.
There will be two Divisions of competition -
- Everyday Athletes
- Elite Athletes
Any weight or movements that we stipulate (like DBs, KBs etc) will be appropriate to that level - see below for guides. Each workout will be judged and will have scores on our LIVE! Leaderboard. By the end of the two days, podium places will be crowned across each of the categories above.
This is NOT a 'CrossFit' comp - rather a functional fitness comp - no Oly Lifting or gymnastic movements (no handstands, muscle ups etc). The workouts will be accessible to anyone who attends a gym.
Earlybird entry - The cost for a pair is $80USD* per pair - so $40USD each athlete.
Normal cost - Once Ealybird is sold out, the cost will go be $110USD* per pair - so $55USD each athlete
*Entry to the Turf Games COMBINE will also include entry to the Dubai Active Show included with your ticket price.
These will not be the exact workouts, but merely a guide. Each workout will have a 10minute time cap, with a 6 minute rest between each workout.
Workout 1
Each athlete will have a rower
Male complete a 1.5km row / Female 1.25km row
Then 20 burpees to plate
Then as a pair you complete a 1km ski erg.
Each athlete will have a rower
Male complete a 1.25km row / Female 1km row
Then 10 burpees to plate
Then as a pair you complete a 1km ski erg, alternating on the 1 ski erg)
Workout 2 - same for Everyday and Elite
1 Athlete 3RM Front Squat
1 Athlete 3RM STOH
Pairs can choose which athlete does what in your pair to maximise your score
DB Snatch ladder for points*
*This workout will have various weight of DBs - you work your way up as high as you can depending on your strength.
Workout 3
Elite - 80 Synchro wall balls for time, then the remaining time max horizontal broad jumps for points. Best 3 jumps counted
Everyday - 60 wall balls broken up between your pair for time, then the remaining time - max horizontal broad jumps for points. Best 3 jumps counted
Workout 4
10/8 cal arms only assault bike
15 Synchro butterfly situps
10 KB box step overs 28/20kg
5 dball to shoulder 60/40
8/6 cal assault bike
15 Synchro butterfly situps
10 KB box step overs 20/12kg
5 dball to shoulder 40/20
The information below is a guide only. If you can do the work as mentioned in each of the divisions, you will be able to compete and have a great day out. If you are in the fitness industry with a sport background or have competed before at functional fitness comps, we do suggest you look to compete in the Elite Division.
- 10 x DB Snatch - 12.5kg/20kg
- 20m Dead Ball Carry - 20kg/40kg
- 4 Dead Ball to Shoulder - 20/40kg
- 6 x Barbell Shoulder Press - 25kg/40kg
- 8 x Deadlift - 50kg/80kg
- 1km Row/Ski sub - 5.30min/4.30min
- 10 x DB Snatch - 15kg/22.5kg
- 20m Dead Ball Carry - 40kg/60kg
- 4 Dead Ball to Shoulder - 40/60kg
- 8 x Shoulder Barbell Push Press/Front Squat - 35kg/50kg
- 8 x Deadlift - 60kg/100kg
- 1km Row/Ski sub - 4.30min/3.45min
Want to volunteer as a judge or crew member to help make the 2021 Dubai Active Show something special? We are on the lookout for people to join our team in rolls like, judge, athlete check in, equipment set up and more. Everyone who joins will be kitted out in Under Armour Gear, receive food and snacks all day and more. It doesn't matter whether you are a seasoned fitness competition expert or it's your first time, we would love to have you.
Click HERE for more information and to go on the list.
If you are interested in coming to Dubai and would like to know more about the Turf Games crew travel plans and where we will be staying please email us at team@turfgames.com with any questions and we will be happy to chat with you.
Loads more info to come, be sure to register your interest for these events and keep an eye on our Instagram page.