Ashes of Fitness London 2019 - Lava Island

Teams of 5 workout that featured at our very first Ashes of Fitness in London in June 2019



Buy In: 15m Worm Walking Lunges  

3 Rounds:

20 Cals Assault Bike (2 Bikes) (While 3 others hold Worm up off the floor)

15 Worm Thrusters (all 5)

10 Sync burpees over worm (all 5) 

Buy Out: 15m Worm Walking Lunges  



Standards –

Burpees synchronisation is given when all athletes get their chest to the floor at the same time.  Athletes don’t need to fully extend at the top of the movement for the burpees, but must double foot jump over the worm. 

Worm must stay off the ground until the judge calls rep on the 15th Thruster. It can then be dropped for athletes to commence the 10 burpees.  At the completion of the burpees, the assault bikes cannot start until the worm is off the ground. 

Worm thrusters - all athletes then squat with worm on shoulder ensuring their hip crease passes below knee height.  ALL four athletes must be synchro at the bottom of the squat before standing up. When they reach the top of the squat they pass the worm overhead to the opposite shoulder (this is one rep). They then squat with the worm on the opposite shoulder alternating shoulders with every rep - VIDEO -