On 27th March we launched our first ever Turf Games virtual competition.  Given the world is in lockdown and everyone spending the majority their time at home, we aptly named the competition - HOME GAMES. 

We have now run 2 Home Games - 1.0 & 2.0 -  and have had over 4,000 people take part from over 30 countries. The way the community rallied behind this fun competition and got their friends and family involved has been nothing short of amazing.  We can't thank you enough all for the support

We have been asked by loads of people taking part about wanting to buy a tank/tee that symbolises that they competed in the Home Games during this time.

Our creative brains are fried so we thought what better idea then to reach out to our community  - which no doubt has many creative people in it - to design a tee that symbolises the time we are in and what the Home Games is about.

 Now, that is quite an open ended brief, below are some guidelines and ideas - 

  1. Can just be words/phrase that reflect the Home Games and the time we are in
  2. A drawing that summarises the Home Games - get as creative and add as much flair as you like - the movements we have done (running, burpees, situps etc) and also if appropriate incorporate any partner logos like Under Armour, Optimum Nutrition etc 
  3. Will be a design that only goes on the front of a tee/tank
  4. Maybe flick through our Instagram account to get inspiration about our brand and what taglines we use like #builtontheturf etc
  5. It can be a funny, serious or take whatever mood you like

How to submit your design

  1. Once you are happy with it, if you email your design to team@turfgames.com with subject line - Home Games Tee Design
  2. We will collate all those we receive and shortlist the top designs
  3. Entries close May 11th 2020
  4. The winner will be chosen by 13th May 2020 and notified via email
  5. The chosen winner will receive a gift pack from our partners 
  6. The competition is open WORLD WIDE

Any question please do email us on the above email.  Make sure you share this with all your creative friends.

Depending on how long we are in this lockdown for, Home Games 3.0 and 4.0 may well be on the cards.

Good luck and we can't wait to see all your designs.